Who Am I?
I am a self employed driving instructor working alone. I have been working as an instructor for about 24 years.
I have a very simple method of teaching which is a no BS or smoke blowing approach. If you do well you will know it, if you don't do so good you will know that too. I won't spend 10 minutes at the end of the lesson telling you what you should have done different or what we are going to do next lesson, we spend that time driving. I do not waste half the lesson lecturing whilst parked up, the only way to learn, is to practice until you get it right.
If you are looking for a cheap hourly rate ring someone else.
If you are looking to learn to drive without having your time wasted then give me a call. I enjoy and take pride in what I do. I enjoy passing my skills on to others so they can enjoy driving too.
My Success Rate
Since becoming an instructor, I have enjoyed a large amount of success.
Approximately 90% of the people I take for test take 1 or 2 attempts to pass, I wont pretend that some people take more because that isn't true. However, it is possible with hard work and commitment you could be one of the 90%.
I am not a miracle worker, I can teach you as fast as you can learn. However, I do not own a magic wand so I cannot teach you to drive in a week, or a month if you don't put the effort in. But if you are committed, we can work together to achieve your goals.
If your still not convinced and you find that you are struggling to pick an instructor go for a single, self employed instructor like me with 5 or more years teaching.
We care more and make more effort to please you and push you towards your goal. Unlike the larger companies. We are our reputation, we have to maintain it by working harder to achieve your goal and hopefully be recommended to your friends and family.
Don't waste time on pass rates because people can easily lie, as their is no way to prove it, all the above may be crap lol.
I have tried to be as honest as I can, which I hope will show you that I am as straight talking as I said at the beginning.
Thanks for reading.
Simon Fox.